Thursday, November 18, 2010

Freaked Out

So if you know Madeline in person or just read this blog, you probably know that she has a little bit of a growing problem.  As in she doesn't gain weight. Pretty much at all.  In addition to this, there have been some other issues, primarily of the backside nature.  So after months of stool tests and blood tests and probiotics and dairy-free diets, we were referred to a pediatric gastrointestinal specialists.  And after waiting MONTHS to see said doctor, we finally got in.  I spent the days leading up to this visit, including the drive there, telling myself that I was just making too big of a deal about all of this.  However, the doctor was definitely in agreeance that something is wrong.  It appears she is not absorbing food, hence her ability to out-eat me on any given day while maintaining her girlish figure.  So the next step is to take a peek at what's going on inside. As in...gulp....a colonoscopy.  Yes, someone wants to shove a tube inside of my child.  And not just a colonoscopy, but an endoscopy and biopsy of the colon.  And they want me to watch the whole thing.  Anxiety, anyone?  The doctor said it would probably be worse on me than her.  I think this may be true.  This whole plan goes down on Tuesday so please keep all of us in your prayers!

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