Monday, December 15, 2008

Hazel Dell Baby Shower

Well depsite a few MIA hostesses and everyone else being pregnant, I managed to have a shower at Hazel Dell. Thanks to all my wonderful friends who helped out and showed up. I really appreciate the wonderful gifts from everyone. Here are a few pictures to highlight the event...

Gwen, Jenny, and me. The three very pregnant ladies.

Brad seems to really like this Pooh Bear.

Ashley, Heather, Natasha, and Jenny - awesome friends.

Super delicious cake. And it's not pink!

The church decorated with our usual theme.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The painting and touch-ups are finally done. Border is done. Changing table/dresser is in place thanks to the help of my good friend James. (That thing weighs as much as a sumo wrestler, and fights like one too.) The crib is assembled and in place, with mobile attached, tested and approved for service. Still to come are bedding, valance, and whatever else you have to put into a room to make it girly and usable for effectively rearing a child. I've created a somewhat creepy video walk-through of the room so you people with spacial issues can see where everything is at the moment. Enjoy...

Monday, December 1, 2008

4th Ultrasound

4th and final ultrasound. Nothing to see really, but the nurse was able to get a quick glimpse of Madeline's face. All looks normal and she's about 3 pounds. She's in the 50th percentile for weight, so we can't expect anything better. No video or pictures this time. Check back soon for updates. Happy December everyone!

Heather's Ohio Baby Shower

Heather had a great baby shower over Thanksgiving weekend in Ohio. At least that's what they tell me. Men don't belong at events like that...too much estrogen floating around. Anyway, I'm posting some pictures of said event. Thanks to everyone who attended and for all the gifts, we really appreciate it!