Saturday, June 27, 2009

Note: I wrote this last weekend and still haven't managed to find pictures...sorry!

Sorry for the lag in posts and pictures. I believe Brad is working on several new video clips.

Madeline is 4 months old now! It's unbelievable how fast she changes. At her 4 month appointment, she was 24 inches long and 13 pounds.

She is now rolling over incessantly and sitting up on her own for small chunks of time. Last week we started giving her cereal, which does not seem to impress her. Bananas are much tastier! She is trying really hard to move around while on her tummy, but her arms just aren't quite strong enough to propel her yet. She is good at pushing her butt up in the air and pushing backwards.

Most of the time she is just chattering away and laughing and happy as can be!

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