Monday, September 6, 2010

18 Months

Being silly with Grandma and Grandpa Webb.

Madeline is a whopping year and a half old now. How did that even happen? She is still the busy little monkey she has always been. This is a little more evolved now and includes mimicking mom and dad and disassembling everything. She's got all sorts of words flowing from her mouth, many of which surprise us. (carrot cake....really?) Her favorite word is now NO. And she has completely abandoned the use of "yes," which is super frustrating. We've seen a little of that fierce independent streak surface with the occasional tantrum, but so far it hasn't been that bad. She can correctly identify most external body parts. (Her favorite is the belly button - GROSS.) She even calls the dogs by their names now.

She has grown 3.5 inches in the last 3 months and has gained 0 weight. None. Zilch. Nada. We're now doing some testing to see what the deal is with that. More details to come.

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