Thursday, October 30, 2008

After all these months, I (Heather) have finally figured out how to take control of the blog. Perhaps it will be a little more updated from now on. Here is my random thought for the week: I was pregnant all summer long. Knowing I was going to have a February baby made it seem so far away when I was sweating bullets on a daily basis. Now that the 80 degree fall weather is over and it's gotten cold out, I think the whole baby thing is starting to sink in. Our upcoming schedule looks something like: Thanksgiving, Christmas, other people's babies being born, due date! I am being hounded for pictures of my "baby bump" so perhaps I'll get around to posting something soon. We're going to paint the nursery in the next few weeks. Ultrasound on Monday afternoon. Here's to hoping our baby has a head this time!

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