Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Over 6 months ago, a particular government office in the home country of our youngest daughter (don't you love the vagueness of all of this?), suspended issuing exit permits for adopted children.  Many families who were told they would still get an exit permit are still waiting.  Families I traveled with.. In July.  It's DEVASTATING to see the number of kids that are being impacted by this.  The number of kids who have been legally adopted but are unable to unite with their forever families.  The number of parents that are unable to effectively parent their children because of this situation.  While I absolutely respect this country, this decision is putting families in a very very sticky situation to the detriment of already delicate children.

Both Ends Burning is an organization dedicated to helping children who are STUCK in sticky political situations in international adoption unite with their forever families.  Both Ends Burning is working probono with the families of this country to resolve the situation.  The sad reality is that the U.S. government and State Department have done little to nothing to resolve this situation, which includes even having a clue about just how many families are impacted by this.  In conjunction with Both Ends Burning, I am working with a small army of families with a vested interest in seeing this resolved.

Please take a few minutes to sign this petition, which will go to your respective representatives.  For $3 you can have a paper copy sent.  Let your reps know that this matters to ALL of us.

Feel free to share as well.  In 3 hours we have sent over 10,000 letters!

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