Disclaimer: We are not actually selling our child. She looked super cute with this sticker though.
If you're anything like me, you spend the dreary winter months trying to get your house cleaned up a bit. Cleaning out closets, geting rid of items that are no longer used, etc. If you happen to stumble across some items that you're not sure whether to sell or donate, please consider passing them over to the Long family for a massive garage sale in the spring. We are going to attempt a sale during our neighborhood garage sale and are asking for anything you are willing to pitch in.
All proceeds will go directly to our adoption fund.
Think about it - no need to bother with your own sale. Most of my friends have to group together just to have a reasonable inventory for a garage sale anyway. No hauling stuff to Goodwill. And it all goes towards a great cause. If you are interested, please let me know!
(Random side note: first incident of toddler shoplifting this weekend. At an Autozone. Really? )
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