Halloween was a little disapointing this year because Brad was out of town over the whole weekend on business. We did manage to make it to Trunk or Treat at church. Madeline did MUCH better this year - no fear or fussing. She is still pretty short, so reaching in trunks was a bit of challenge, but she had a great time. Here's a shot of her and BFF Jaycie. For the non-toddler crowd, Madeline's costume was Abby Cadaby from Sesame Street. I personally thank Abby for her potty training book which Madeline read faithfully during her potty training time. We also made a lap around the neighborhood on Halloween night, with our neighbor Kendra educating Madeline on the appropriate ettiquette of Trick or Treating. We also handed out glow sticks which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately Madeline noticed that I dumped her candy stash into our bowl and put it on the front porch. I probably won't get away with that next year!
The back of Abby Cadaby

LOVE these girls.
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