So I'm sure my last post revealed the absolute elation in my tone over the better sleeping habits...this week we've moved to 8-9+ solid hours of sleep!! Have I mentioned I love my kid? She has also started rolling over from tummy to back. She is most consistent when she's naked though, which I find interesting. It kind of makes tummy time a little tricky though since she likes to keep flipping every time we put her on her tummy now. Her head control has drastically improved. She's doing a great job of keeping her head steady as long as she's not tired. I even tried her in the bumbo seat this week and she loves it because she can check everything around her out. 
This past Sunday was the first church service that she didn't sleep the entire time. She spent about half of it wide eyed and checking out our pew neighbors. I heard giggles from the back row so I know you people weren't paying attention! She spent the other half with her hand under her chin, looking deep in thought. (I wish I had a picture of this because it was pretty stinking cute.) Then just as they started to pray for precious little angel starts to scream her head off. Sorry Pastor Mark!
And finally...somebody managed to take a picture of me with Madeline. You wouldn't think it would take two months to get a picture of a kiddo with her momma, but alas...
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