Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Way or Another

Well it's finally February and the countdown is getting smaller! Our blogging has been sporadic, I know. I actually wrote this on February 1 and am just now getting around to posting it. Things have settled down since my last post, which is definitely a good thing. However, after our last hospital visit, we kicked it into high gear to be ready for D-day and now we are just (impatiently) waiting. My parents are coming for a visit this weekend and have threatened severe action if there is no baby. I swear I'm doing everything I can! I had an appointment this week and it seems everything is progressing right along so it could be any time now.....

In the mean time, Brad and I are having fun guessing who (or what?)Madeline is going to look like. I think she is going to look like my sister, Brittany, with dark hair and skin and eyes. Whatever gene that is, it runs strong on the Webb side of things. I believe Brad's guess was "Claire Danes with red hair." I have no idea where he is getting Claire Danes, but the red hair is a definite possibility. We generally agree that she has little chance of looking like her momma, as I am the queen of recessive genes. We are bringing baby pictures to the hospital so we can compare.

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