So it's been a while since we've posted anything interesting on here. My excuse is that the holiday season had us running around like crazy. We made our last trip to Ohio for quite a while for the Christmas holiday. While it was nice to see friends and family, the trip just about wiped me out. Hour upon hour in the car when I'm already uncomfortable, plus the frequent need to eat and use the facilities, does not equal happy travelling. We will most likely not be returning to the homelands until Memorial Day weekend. On a positive note about the Christmas season, Madeline made out like a bandit for Christmas! Good thing she couldn't actually see the Christmas tree this year or she might have some unrealistic expectations for future Christmases.
Brad is amusing me greatly during these last few weeks. We got a new videocamera (and I had better say HD video camera or he'll correct me) that he is SO excited about. He keeps filming Madeline's room everytime something changes, which is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. (I am apologizing now for all the random videos on this blog.) He also rearranged the furniture in our loft about 10 times before I finally yelled at him to stop because it was driving me crazy. So instead he rearranged the living room furniture. Can we say "NESTING?" All of this furniture movement apparently took it's toll and he managed to severely throw his back out 2 weeks ago. He looked like an old man, all leaned over. Very funny except for the pain part. Fortunately he has returned to normal, because one of us has to be well enough to be productive.
I am....stellar :) I am thinking there are a lot of merits to being an only child that I had not previously considered. The nausea has returned. EVERYTHING hurts. By the end of most days I lose the ability to walk (this is not an exaggeration) due to my already geriatric hips. It's a joyful time. I am working on a list of final To Do items that should be completed very soon. The only thing missing from the nursery is our chair, which is taking forever to ship. Other than that, I am ready for this whole pregnancy thing to be over!
(And in case your wondering, my belly button is still safely tucked away ;)
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