Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Style Icon

Madeline has always been insistent about choosing her own clothes. And for the most part, as long as they are modest and weather appropriate, I don't care much. Lately the outfits have been a wee bit outrageous. I thought I would document a few recent examples.

She may be clashing so much it's painful to the eye, but she's still super cute. 

This gem of an outfit was then paired with cowboy boots.  Oh yes. 

Monday, February 25, 2013


Several people thought we were only doing the Amazon gig through the holiday season. This is incorrect. I plan to keep it going until this whole adoption is paid for...which might be a while :). So feel free to keep spreading the word and shopping until your heart and closet are content. Thank you to all our loyal shoppers and those that have passed our link on.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I'm not sure how Madeline is now 4, but it appears to be true. Her birthday present from us was a trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Cincinnati. This was also hopefully our last rendezvous as a family of 3. Not a lot of pictures to share, as we were dripping wet all weekend. We actually got to celebrate her birthday on the day of with all the grandparents in one spot. I can't believe what a mature little girl she's turning into.

Last minute snack of ice cream. Yum. A mint chocolate chip girl after my own heart.

Completely passed out about 2.5 seconds after getting in the car.  

Checking out the place while we checked in.

Dressed and pressed on her first official day as a four year old. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Something Beautiful

So I've been a little down lately. A fellow adoptive mom in waiting posted this on Facebook today and once again Jen Hatmaker has kicked me in the pants:

"As you watch us struggle and celebrate and cry and flail, we also want you to know that adoption is beautiful, and a thousand times we’ve looked at each other and said, “What if we would’ve said no?” God invited us into something monumental and lovely, and we would’ve missed endless moments of glory had we walked away. We need you during these difficult months of waiting and transitioning, but we also hope you see that we serve a faithful God who heals and actually sets the lonely in families, just like He said He would."
Thank you to all my wonderful friends that have been so encouraging these last few weeks.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


The last few weeks have been mostly crummy in the adoption universe. We were notified last week to expect a 3-6 month delay in bringing our daughter home. We thought she would be here next month. I was getting baby clothes out. Now I'm just sad and frustrated.

There have been some other crummy things going on but I'm too exhausted to write about it.

As a bright green t-shirt once declared, God is in control. And I am clearly not.