I'm on day 2 of being stuck at home with a sick little girl. Which is actually not so bad given that it's freezing cold and windy outside. It's nice to have the chance to get caught up on a few projects and cleaning items, but especially the blog. This made me realize that I have been TERRIBLE about updates this year, especially the last few months. I also just realized that blogger has changed their layout and this seems easier now, which could be a good thing!
So the Long family has had some job changes. Quite a few for one household actually.
In June I was offered the opportunity to take an internship in the training department at my company. This has always been a strong interest for me, so it seemed like a no brainer. It's been a wonderful new adventure and it will be interesting to see what happens when the internship ends.
On top of that change, I was actually offered the opportunity to teach as an adjunct professor under the lead of an old professor of mine. This has been a longtime dream of mine, so of course I jumped at the chance. The nice thing for now, is that it's all part of an online program, which gives me a lot of schedule flexibility given that I also have a full time job and a small child. I'm wrapping up my second class this week and starting my first graduate class next week. It's a challenge and pretty time consuming, but I really enjoy it. Plus I've committed to taking all of my earnings from that gig and putting them into the old adoption fund.
And last but not least, Brad was recently offered a position that is a great career move for him. It's still local, limited travel, and will allow him to grow in some areas of interest for him. He started this week and is confident in his decision to change.
We honestly cannot express how blessed our family has been this year.
And I really just included this because I wanted to play with the picture editor. Seems easier which is good. Madeline is becoming quite the little artist, which is ironic given her techy father and number crunching mother. It is sweet to watch her spend so much time at her easel, being very creative.