Well we haven't been to Ohio since Christmas, so we decided to really make a trip of it over President's Day weekend. Brad and I both had Friday and Monday off work so that we could spend a little more time with the family. On Saturday we were able to celebrate Madeline's first birthday with our immediate family. It also happened to be my mom's 50th birthday. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and cake together. Madeline seemed to catch on that she was the highlight of the party, as she frequently stopped to clap ardently. She very daintily picked icing drops off the cake. No cake smashing here. We were very blessed with the gifts she received for birthday, including some college money and a toddle bike. Aunt Brittany and Uncle Matt got her an itunes card so that we can download some toddler friendly tunes for her to jam to. The most special gift was from Grandma Long. Donna had her engagement ring from Fred turned into a necklace for Madeline. Obviously we won't let her near it for about 20 years, but it's still very special!