Saturday, November 21, 2009
9 Month Check Up
Madeline is now 27.5 inches long and 16.5 pounds. This puts her in the 50th percentile for length and 13th percentile for weight. Still a peanut. This week she got her first top tooth! On top of the teething fun (sarcasm), she managed to get parvovirus, roseola, and two nasty ear infections, all within this week. Yay for daycare in winter! Other than that, she was pronounced healthy, happy, and developmentally sound. We also pronounced her adorable.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Busy Little Girl
I know, I know, yet another long stretch with no updates! We're a very busy family, especially now that the tornado named Madeline is sweeping through our house on a daily basis. She is in to EVERYTHING. She is cruising around the furniture and trying so hard to stand on her own.
She is mastering the art of walking behind her scooter as well. She definitely needs some more leg stability before she'll be on her own (which is ok by me!).
Right at 8 months her two bottom teeth popped out, which is pretty darn cute. Her top two are busting through as we speak. She is eating meals off of our plates and drinking from her own cup. She'd be so grown up if she weren't so tiny!
If you meet Madeline in the near future, don't be offended if she starts bawling upon making eye contact. She has developed a charming case of stranger anxiety that applies to friends, neighbors, and grandparents. Hey when your parents are this cool, why would you want to hang out with anyone else?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Madeline had a blast with Halloween this year. We participated in our church's Trunk or Treat last weekend. As you can see from the pictures, we decided to forgo the run of the mill costumes and trying something a little more unique. Madeline actually sat in that pot for over an hour and let Brad carry her around in it! She would crouch down so that the only part you could see where her claws. Then she'd pop up and giggle. On Halloween we just passed out candy at our house and let her check out the trick or treaters (Note to self: teach her more manners than the rest of those kids...) Next year should be so fun when she can actually trick or treat herself!
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